Monday, October 5, 2009

These are the kids that I nanny for. The oldest is Andrew (Andres) and he's 9 yrs old. Next is Isabella (Bella) and she is 7 yrs old. They are both in school most of the day. Next is R.J. (Roy Jr.) and he is 3 yrs old. Last is Sebastion (Seabass) and he is about 5 mo. old. They are all great kids and so much fun to be around. I never call Andrew Andres but his parents do when they are mad at him. I don't think I'll ever call him that especially with my lack of accent, it would sound kinde wierd. Bella is ussually called Isabella when she gets in trouble and I have called her that a couple times just because it doesn't require an accent. R.J. is never called Roy Jr. well actually it's Rojulio Jr. from his dad's name. The first time I heard Sebastion's name I was trying to think of a nick name I could call him but with no success. Then I found out that Kristin and Roy call him Seabass. Well I can't bring myself to calling him that either so I call him baby or Bastion.

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