Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I realized I haven't posted in a couple of months so I updated with 4 new posts. Just a couple things that's been going on here in Rexburg. One last thing that I want to rant about for a minute. So as you all know I've been looking for a job for a Very long time. A couple weeks ago I finally got a job at The Medicine Shoppe and I was so excited and thankful. He told me I couldn't start until I got a background check done, because working at a pharmacy they have to make sure I'm not going to take advantage of it. He gave me the pack of papers I had to fill out and the card to take to the police station to get my fingerprints done. I got this at 2:30pm on Tuesday. He said he would like me to get it back to him before 5 so he could send it that day because it will take 2-3 weeks to get done. So I first went to the police station to get the fingerprints done. They were releasing someone that day so everyone was busy and I had to wait. Finally at 3:45 I was done with that. Then I filled out the paperwork and it said I needed to signatures from reputable business people and a copy of my diploma. This was a problem!! I called my mom and we figured out to have her fax a copy of my diploma to my uncle at work, then he signed one spot for the business people and he got his boss to sign the other one. I was so relieved, I rushed back to The Medicine Shoppe and got it back to him by 4:30. He then said he would get it mailed first thing tomorrow..........WHAT??!! I just rushed all around town to get this done before 5 and you're not mailing it today!! Grrr whatever as long as it's done that's fine!! So here I was thinking all was good and that I would be starting soon......Oh I was wrong!! Friday morning I get a call from my boss-to-be and he said "you brought in your paperwork on tues. right? Well I lost them." WHAT??!! You gotta be kidding me, they haven't been sent yet and you lost them!!! He called me later and said he found them and he mailed them. Well that's just great but now I have to wait even longer before I can start. Don't get me wrong I'm So, So, So grateful to get this job but it's so frustrating that I'm running out of money and me starting keeps getting delayed!! Grrrrrrr.........ok just wanted to get that out and it feels good. Thanks for listening sorry if it was boring and whiny. Enjoy the rest of my posts :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Typical Sunday in Rexburg....

So we have 4 guys who are our neighbors and sometimes we will go over and hang out with them because they have the big house and me and Lindsey just have the small one. Well on sunday some of them decided to pay us a visit. They came over with rootbeer bottles that looked like beer bottles just to freak us out, then they decided to show us just how strong they were by tearing our phone books in half. That was fine until they decided to start throwing it all over the place. It continued to get smaller and more of a mess.

Devin with his rootbeer chillin in the mess!!

It took about 8 try's to finally get a good picture of us throwing it all in the air lol

The guys said they would clean it up......

Devin was just like a kid in a big pile of leaves...

They cleaned by putting it in..........

Our fridge...

Our cupboards...

Our stove (kinda a fire hazard)...

And our bedrooms!!

After we kicked the guys out we cleaned it ourselves......

Then we just had to play in it :)

We decided to get back at the guys by giving it all back to them. We put tinfoil in front of there laundryroom door and filled it with the paper so when they opened the door it would spill into there house. It was easy to do because our houses are connected through the laundry room so we didn't have to stand outside and risk them catching us.

We are very sneaky!! :)

It was Very Loud and we were afraid they would hear it and come see what was going on so we turned on the dryer, which is pretty much the loudest monster ever, and nobody wants to be in there while it's on.

Lindsey filling the tinfoil!!

Our finished product, now all we have to do is wait for them to open the door.

Later, after they opened the door, they tried to get into our house and get back but we locked our doors :) so they just left all if the paper in the laundry room. Later that night they were all gone so we broke into there house and put the paper in there beds. We forgot to lock our front door and when they got home they came running in, screaming, with arm fulls of paper and they threw it in our rooms again. We finally just threw it all away but it was such a fun day!! :)

Random Girls Night......

One night at about 8:30pm my friends Amy and Melissa called and told me to hurry and get to there apt. because we were having a girls night. I was already to settle down for the night in my sweats and I was sitting down to watch a movie. But I changed back into clothes and went. I'm so glad I did because it was such a fun night!!

We saw Tangled in 3-D. Such a cute movie.

Before the movie we went to domino's to get a pizza and we may have flirted a little with the guy behind the counter. lol There was no one else there and we were having fun. He was wearing a chicken hat and I commented on it and we went from there lol The best thing was that I asked him to do a chicken dance for us and he DID!!! It was so much fun and of course I had to record it.

He said he wanted a copy of it so he wrote his name, and major lol because apparently that's also relevant, on the pizza box so I could friend him on facebook. I did later that night and found that Mikayla knows him, wow small world :) Enjoy the video, I do!!

The Neighbors Concert!!

My friend Cori came to Rexburg one weekend and we went to a concert at Sammy's. Sammy's is a burger and ice-cream joint here where they hold free concerts from unknown bands. The band playing was The Neighbors, we've been to there concert before and they are pretty good. They are a brother and sister duo who write and sing there own songs. There trademark is to wear these big glasses so we went to the dollar store and bought black glasses and took out the middle to make our own glasses and wore them to the concert. Afterwards they told us how much they loved looking up and seeing all of us in the glasses. It was so much fun.

I know it looks like I'm praying, and it is Rexburg so it's possible that I am, lol but I'm not. Cori took this pic. and sent it to me.

Carly, Cori, and me rocking our Awsome glasses!!

K.C. decided he wanted to be a model and used us as the couch :)

All of us with The Neighbors!!

Me ans Adam Keiser from The Neighbors. Also he was voted Utah's Sexiest Bachelor of the Year. So yeah,......everyone can be jealous lol He was a little sweaty from his concert though, gross!! :)

Something Fishy.....

So I decided to get a fish for my apartment. Don't ask me why I just felt like getting a fish. I ended up getting two little goldfish that were only .28 I figured best to go with the cheapest since they would most likely die. My friend Melissa was with me and wanted to get one too, to keep with mine.

Me and my fishy's!!

Melissa with her fish George.

I never got around to actually naming my fish.
It's a good thing I didn't name them and get to attached because one of them died the nest day and then two days after that the other one died. A week later George died and I had to tell Melissa. I thought she was going to cry. But that was my adventure with fish I will probably wait a while before I ever get fish again. lol