Thursday, November 19, 2009

What A Week!!!

So Andrew, Bella, and R.J. have been sick then better then sick and better again!! It's been a huge roller coaster of sickness and no school for the past 2 weeks. Finally it seemed that all 3 kids were better and we were ready for them to be done. Then the other day R.J. started caughing and just looked sick again, then the school called and said that Andrew was in the nurses office with a fever and a stomache ache and he needed to be picked up. Well I don't have a car here so I had to call Kristin and let her know what was going on. So she had to leave work early and drive an hour and a half to pick up Andrew and Bella. By now school was already over. Then she came by the house to get R.J. and she was taking them all to the doctor. Well I was thinking IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! She came back not to long after and said they couldn't get in so they are going back tomorow. So the next day we were up early getting sick kids ready to go. R.J. was crying because he was just convinced that he was getting a shot. I'm so glad the other kids can get themselves ready so I could concentrate on R.J. So they go to the doctor when they come back Kristin told me that Andrew and Bella have Strep Throat and R.J. has Bronchitis!! Oh GOODY this is FUN!! So now every morning before school I have to give each of them there medecine, cough syrup, and pills. Andrew and Bella complain about it but they take it. R.J. is a different story. The first morning Roy tried to get R.J. to take it but he just screamed and screamed and screamed. Then Roy started yelling at R.J. then Kristin started yelling at Roy for yelling at R.J. It was crazy. So Kristin tried to make him take it and no luck!! So they went to work and left it to me. Oh THANKS!!! Everytime I even went towards the medecine R.J. screamed and ran away. So I did what everyone does with kids, I LIED to him!! So R.J. loves Transformers so I told him that I needed his help because I saw Decepticons(bad transformers) in the house and they went into R.J. He looked very worried about that. So I told him that Optamis Prime(the good transformer) had transformed into the medecine and he has to get inside R.J. to kill the Decepticons. He opened right up and took the medecine. He hasn't complained since, every morning he says that he needs more Optamis to kill the Decepticons. Oh how I love GULLIBLE kids!! They are suppose to be better by Saturday and I really hope they are and that we will be done with sickness for a while.


  1. I guess atleast they all got it at once for you so that maybe when they do get better you won't have to worry about another one getting it! Good luck! Way to go on the medicine - you do what you have to do sometimes with kids!
